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Safe Mode for all Samsung phones!!

Just like in PC you can boot into safe mode in Android!! You dont need a rooted phone for this!!

Safemode is used for uninstalling a misbehaving app which caused bootloop or force closing or any other type!!

It is almost same as your phone right now with a banner of safemode!!


1. Switch off your phone

2. Switch it on! When the first image that is "Samsung 'your model' "appears do not press any button!

3. When the boot animation starts press the left sensor key and hold for few second. You will get 2 vibrations! A short one first and long one later!

4. Now you are into safe mode! You can see a banner showing safe mode in the bottom!!

5. Browse for the misbehaving app and uninstall it! Or any other idea you have with safe mode! :-P

6. To switch back to normal, switch off yoyr phone and restart it & dont press any keys now!!!!

Works in all Stock and Custom (almost!) rom!!

No chance of bootloop!!

Try it and enjoy!!

Comment if you have any doubt!!

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Safe mode android, safe mode galaxy y, misbehaving app, safe boot android


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